Ireland Guide

- ireland -

Okay so we are nearing the end of January – just in time to put forward ten of the (many) food trends that we’ll be hearing plenty about in 2014

  1. Free-From Foods – especially gluten-free, which is breaking out of the ‘special diet’ box into mainstream food. Salt-free, sugar-free, dairy-free…also use of alternative natural flavourings, eg spices, to enhance fresh food flavours; lots of how-to books coming on stream
  2. Real Food - fresh, local, whole (and, increasingly, organic) foods in season… food with provenance (reflected on menus), respect for tradition in production and cooked and presented with imagination: wholesome, healthy, simple, flavoursome food
  3. Real Drinks – local beers and cider thrive (but the excise duty on them is unfair); new small distilleries. Real soft drinks?
  4. Mindful Shopping - you only eat what you buy (generally). Food associated health issues to be tackled, with obesity and feeding children well topping the list
  5. Waste Not Want Not - 2014 is the European Year Against Food Waste, it’s time to act: packaging and over-buying come especially under the spotlight, but there’s plenty more to think about including the canny sort of cooking with whatever is to hand that our grannies could do in their sleep
  6. GIY- and community gardens; productive, educational and fun
  7. The Rise of the Vegetable - at last! Delicious vegetables are not just for vegetarians. And no, they don’t have to be baby veg
  8. Foraging - especially seaweeds; fermented and naturally dried foods
  9. The Butcher, the Baker…growing consumer recognition of the role played by local crafts people and specialist shops
  10. Baking - not just delicious, good for the soul; also a good year for preserving, a good year for home cooking in fact.

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