Ireland Guide

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Our Cead Mile Failte is No Longer Good Enough


New business development course from Georgina Campbell Learning for B&Bs, guesthouses and small cafés, pubs and restaurants

Focusing entirely on the supreme hospitality experience, sales, marketing and powerful messages, this short course has the great benefit of being immediately measurable, actionable and visible.

The course, limited to 20 participants only, will commence on Tuesday 14th October 2014

For more information see website

For bookings please contact Linda Halpin on 01 663 3685

Press Release

There was a time when a smile and Cead Mile Failte were enough to guarantee returning guests. Those days are gone and, some might argue, so has that generation.

B&Bs, guesthouses and small cafés, pubs and restaurants, need to reinvent their offer and become far more relevant to a savvy, online and smart visitor.

Similarly, restaurants, cafés and those who are in the business of food need to rethink their business strategy.

The cliché that “everyone has become a reporter” was never more true.  Also, the days of “it’ll do” – it really won’t.

The Quiet Man, shamrocks, shillelaghs and rose tinted images of a bygone era might catch attention, but they won’t convert into bookings or business.

The recession has changed the landscape forever. New views require new thinking. New thinking will create new opportunity, but only if it is relevant to a discerning market.

In response to many requests from smaller food businesses, pubs, accommodation and owner led properties, Georgina Campbell & Conor Kenny & Associates have developed a new short, sharp and affordable 3 day programme to help this sector.

Focusing entirely on the supreme hospitality experience, sales, marketing and powerful messages, this short course has the great benefit of being immediately measurable, actionable and visible.

Commenting on the second collaboration between these two highly respected companies, Georgina Campbell said;

“Great hospitality experiences, whether food, accommodation or pubs, are an integral part of our heritage and our future. It’s the beauty of the Irish tradition to be hands on, interested and hospitable. Our country overflows with wonderful expressions of all three. Yet, there is an enormous challenge. Today’s hospitality business has to change, to compete and to be clear about their message, sales pitch and offer. If they don’t, they won’t last. If they do, there’s a bright future as we emerge from recession. This short course, which is strictly limited in numbers, will equip this specialist sector to power forward into a promising new horizon.”

Grace Gallagher, Managing Director, Conor Kenny & Associates added;

“Being noticed is not enough. Being relevant is the only thing that matters to a potential guest. It’s all about what they want and that changes, with constants such as good service now seen as fundamental. With a background in hospitality, we understand, from the coal face, what this sector needs to do to drive sales, business and the next generation.”

The course, limited to 20 participants only, will commence on Tuesday 14th October 2014.

For further details, log on to:

For bookings please contact Linda Halpin on 01 663 3685

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