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Found 52 matches, showing 51 - 52 below.

The Galway Ingredient
Author: Cookbook Reviews
A small group of Euro-Toques chefs (members of the non-elitist international chefs’ organisation dedicated to safeguarding culinary heritage) got together to celebrate the food of the area - and the recent Volvo Ocean Race stopover - in a DIY recipe book, The Galway Ingredient.

‘The Wine and Food of Ely Through the Seasons’
Author: Cookbook Reviews
Ely restaurants are renowned for serving organic beef, pork and lamb from the family farm in the Burren, County Clare and for their exceptional wine list (over 100 wines by the glass), as well as food that - despite the scale - is all home cooked. This recipe from their recently published cookbook ‘The Wine and Food of Ely Through the Seasons’ for Pesto Lasagne demonstrates their down-to-earth attitude and attention to detail – and, like all the 70+ recipes in the book, two wine suggestions are offered to accompany the dish.
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