New LEAF programme for GIY and Libraries Ireland

Yet another brilliant educational project from Michael Kelly's GIY (Grow It Yourself), who have teamed up with Libraries Ireland to create a new food education and literacy programme, LEAF, which aims to establish a food-growing community initiative in every, town, village, city and local authority area where there is a library.

LEAF focuses on empowering communities to grow their own food as a climate action while also fostering food empathy, and promoting sustainable living. Importantly, the LEAF programme is supported by the Government Climate Action Fund which encourages innovative projects to develop climate change solutions cost-effectively - and supports projects that would not happen without it.

Along with the provision of digital resources and 'how to' videos, both in libraries and online, there are free seed packs and information packs which recipients are asked to use in order to share the experience and enable a community of people - initially across Waterford - to enjoy the wide range of benefits that come from growing food.

Launching the LEAF Programme recently, GIY founder Michael Kelly said he was delighted to be partnering with Libraries Ireland through the Community Climate Action Programme. As GIY's  primary goal is to get more and more people to grow some of their own food, any community effort in food growing is seen as a big win.

The hope is that this programme will reach people who have never tried to grow food before and who may want to build new connections through food growing in their community - and to entice those with knowledge and experience from working in their own gardens to share that valuable information and experience.

After kicking off in Waterford libraries, the LEAF programme will be piloted in 25 libraries across the Southeast region and members of the public who wish to get involved can register with their local participating library and pick up their LEAF pack.

Expressing her enthusiasm for the project, the Senior Executive Librarian of Waterford Library, Sinead O'Higgins, said they would also be hosting special events throughout the programme in tandem with the UN Sustainable Development Goal week, with key industry expert visits and talks plus 'Show & Grow' events for all of their community growing projects. "It will be a very engaging programme, offering a wonderful learning opportunity for everyone who takes part."

For further details,


Top - Michael Kelly, GIY, Susan Lee, Community Climate Action Officer, WCCC, Nell Ward, GIY, Zeinab Gohi, GIY, Mary Conway, Interim City & County Librarian and Head of Culture Waterford City and County Council, Dylan White, Age Friendly Waterford, Jennifer Lougran, Waterford Libraries, Sinead O'Higgins, Senior Executive Librarian, Waterford Libraries, Fiona Foskin, Waterford Libraries and Breda O'Shea, Librarian who were pictured at the launch of LEAF from GIY and Libraries Ireland at Carrickpherish Library on Friday 21st June 2024.

Centre - Seed sowing with the children of Educate Together at the launch of LEAF from GIY and Libraries Ireland at Carrickpherish Library. 


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