Restoring The Lansdowne was a labour of love for Francis and John Brennan, who took on this historic hotel in 2021, following a closure - and they were delighted when it was awarded 4 Star status by Failte Ireland in 2022, a meaningful recognition of their commitment to bringing the grand old lady back to her best. And then, in January 2024, Aileen and Patrick Hanley of The Strand Cahore, in Co Wexford, took over from the Brennan brothers - and that was a homecoming for Patrick, so the change of ownership hss also been cause for celebration for the hotel and for the town.
There's a real sense of pride in this lovely 'new' hotel with its smart new look and traditional values and, while renovations and upgrades are continuing, there's great energy and commitment in the team (which includes many of the original staff.)
Guest rooms vary, as is the way with old buildings, and while they may not all be large, the pleasingly unfussy decor and emphasis on the things that matter - good beds (dressed with linen from Francis Brennan's range for Dunnes Stores), good lighting, and proper traditional bathrooms with bath and shower - will make for a very comfortable stay.
Breakfast is served in an attractive long dining bar, which has a lovely big terrace off the far end and makes a pleasing bistro-style destination later in the day, when an X Oven brings a casual charcoal flavour to the menu.
All round, The Lansdowne Kenmare is a seriously impressive achievement and set to continue as a favourite destination in this delightful town.