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County Monaghan

Of all Ireland's counties, it is Monaghan which is most centrally placed in the drumlin belt, that strip of rounded glacial hills which runs right across the country from Strangford Lough in County Down to Clew Bay in Mayo. Monaghan, in fact, is all hills. But as very few of them are over 300 metres above sea level, the county takes its name from Muineachain - "Little Hills". Inevitably, the actively farmed undulating country of the little hills encloses many lakes, and Monaghan in its quiet way is a coarse angler's paradise.

Much of the old Ulster Canal is in Monaghan, while the rest is in Armagh and Tyrone. Once upon a time, it connected Lough Erne to Lough Neagh. It has been derelict for a very long time, but with the success of the restored Shannon-Erne Waterway along the line of the old Ballinamore-Ballyconnell Canal bringing added vitality to Leitrim, Cavan and Fermanagh, the even more ambitious vision of restoring the Ulster Canal is now under way.

Vision of a different sort is the theme at Annaghmakerrig House near the Quaker-named village of Newbliss in west Monaghan. The former home of theatrical producer Tyrone Guthrie, it is a busy centre for writers and artists who can stay there to complete 'work in progress', or defer deadlines in congenial company. The dedicated eccentricity of the area is also celebrated at the Flat Lake Cultural Festival around the big house in Hilton Park around the third weekend in August, a remarkably high-powered gathering of poetry, literature, music and humour.

In the east of the county at Castleblayney, there's a particularly attractive lake district with forest park and adventure centre around Lough Mucko. Southwards of Castleblayney, we come to the bustling town of Carrickmacross, still famous for its lace, and a Tidy Towns awardee.   

Monaghan’s pretty village of Glaslough towards the north of the county is worth a visit, and at Clontibret in northeast Monaghan, there's gold in them thar little hills. Whether or not it’s in sufficient quantities to merit mining is a continuing matter of commercial debate, but the fact that it's there at all is another of Monaghan's more intriguing secrets. Another is the county's uncrowded character. It has been confirmed in a recent census, but there seem to be plenty of folk about the place.

Local Attractions and Information

Carrickmacross Carrickmacross Lace Gallery 042 966 2506

Carrickmacross (Kingscourt Rd) Dun a Ri Forest Park 042 966 7320

Castleblayney Lough Muckno Leisure Park 042 974 6356

Clones Clones Lace Exhibits 047 51051

Glaslough Castle Leslie Gardens 047 88109

Inniskeen Patrick Kavanagh Centre 042 937 8560

Monaghan town Tourism Information 047 81122

Monaghan town Monaghan County Museum 047 82928

Monaghan town (Newbliss Rd.) Rossmore Forest Park 047 81968

Newbliss Annaghmakerrig (Tyrone Guthrie Centre) 047 54003


Hilton Park - Garden Clones County Monaghan ireland
Hilton Park
Clones, Co. Monaghan
Once described as a “capsule of social history” in recognition of their collection of family portraits and memorabilia going back 250 years or more, Johnny and Lucy Madden’s wonderful 18th century mansion is set in beautiful cou ...


The Hotel and 18th Green
Nuremore Hotel & Country Club
Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan
Course Type: Parkland
Originally established in 1991, the 18-hole championship golf course at the 4 Star Nuremore Hotel & Country club has been described as one of the most picturesque parkland courses in the country and acknowledged as one of the finest amenities ...

Self Catering

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What's On

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Tourist Attractions

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Wedding Venues

Castle Leslie Estate
Glaslough, Co. Monaghan
Nestled on 1,000 acres of undulating Irish countryside, Castle Leslie Estate is dotted with ancient woodlands and glittering lakes providing a unique setting for timeless wedding memories. They have two unique locations on the Estate where you c ...

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