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Found 1246 matches, showing 211 - 220 below.

Darina Allen
Author: Darina Allen
Darina gives some very timely statistics on food production and sustainability, which are shocking but not surprising, and advocates a return to mixed farming. But, now that the current situation is at least being acknowledged as a crisis, she senses that we’re on the cusp of change- and shares some ways in which we can all be part of the solution.

GIY recipe
Author: Michael Kelly
Mindful that Ireland has recently become only the second country in the world to declare a climate and biodiversity emergency, the Grow It Yourself movement has even more relevance now.

Martin & Sile
Author: Martin Dwyer
Dinner in France: When Euro-Toques chef Martin Dwyer and his wife Sile sold their eponymous restaurant in Waterford and moved to France to run a Chambre d’Hote in France they soon discovered that there were a lot of differences in the practices in the two countries.

Dunmore House Hotel
Author: Just Ask
Our “Just Ask!” Restaurant of the Month winner for MAY is Dunmore House Hotel, County Cork

Black Cat Galway
Author: Georgina Campbell
Our “Just Ask!” Restaurant of the Month winner for April is Black Cat, Salthill, Galway

Spicy Carrot And Chickpea Pitta Pocket
Author: Michael Kelly
I delivered a course on growing tomatoes at GROW HQ recently, and though I was ostensibly ‘at work’, it didn’t really feel like work to be teaching about growing tomatoes (don’t tell anyone though).

Simnel Cake, “Meals For All Seasons” Wolfhound Press 1992
Author: Georgina Campbell
Chocolate seems to have taken over everything at Easter, including cakes, and the traditional Simnel Cake has become an endangered species - but it’s one of my favourite cakes and anyone who likes almond paste (marzipan) will probably agree. A tradition well worth bringing back!

Paris Pastries
Author: Darina Allen
Ah… Paris in the spring. In her guide to a Food Lover’s Weekend in Paris, Darina shares tips on some of the most exciting places to eat and shop in the gastronomic capital. She welcomes the explosion of modern ingredients-led cooking and informal eating places, revels in the specialist cookware shops - and notes where she felt quality wasn’t quite up to scratch…

Moroccan Style Braised Lamb Shanks
Author: Georgina Campbell
It’s synonymous with spring and - while I would be the first to agree that a flavoursome free range roast chicken is still one of the best dishes around -lamb has taken over from it as the favourite Easter meal in recent times.

Irish Food Writers Guild Award Winners
Author: Georgina Campbell
Now in their 25th year, the annual Irish Food Writers’ Guild Food Awards were held this month - and the main message from IFWG Chairperson, Kristin Jensen, was a call for more support for indigenous Irish food producers as the threat of Brexit looms...
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