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3 below.
Suggestions for places to eat in and to visit during a break in Dublin…

If you like to be based in the city centre, go right to the heart and stay one of our recommended DUBLIN 2 hotels within easy walking distance of all city centre attractions...
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Great Days Out & Short Breaks from Dublin

If based in Dublin, there are some wonderful day trips that can be taken to discover some of the countryside just outside the capital. There are also many convenient locations to take a short break from the hustle and bustle of the city.
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Into the West via The Mighty Midlands (The Heart of Ireland)

The days of taking a handy jaunt down to the West of Ireland for a weekend break have long gone. The road to the west from Dublin can be a nightmare due to traffic congestion. There are two solutions to avoid a stressful journey - go mid-week, or break up your journey in the beautiful Heart of Ireland.
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