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Knockabbey Castle & Gardens


Victorian gardens with medieval fish ponds, herbaceous borders and visitor centre.

Co Louth
website Contact Knockabbey Castle & Gardens
Tel: +353 1 677 8816

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Knockabbey Castle & Gardens

Opening Months: May, June, July, August, September
Opening Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Opening Hours: Sat & Sun May & Sept; Tues - Sunday 01st June - 31st Aug (Bank holidays incl.)
Admission Charge: €6
  • Appointment Only
  • Admission Charge

Also known as Thomastown Castle, the earliest part of the building dates back to 1399 and this tower house played a part in the strategic defence of the northwest corner of the Pale. A Georgian and later a Gothic wing were added, and the old tower was given a handsome Gothic doorway.

The “stew” or fish ponds (a medieval device to store fish for future consumption) in the grounds are thought to be even earlier, perhaps 11th century. The 30 acre demesne has may fine trees (the tulip tree in the small arboretum is one of the largest in Ireland), and other parts of the gardens within it date back to different periods.

Some elements have been restored or reinterpreted with funding from the Great Gardens Restoration Scheme. Serious money has been spent totally rebuilding a vanished greenhouse and restoring an old teahouse beyond the ponds, once used as a soup kitchen.There is a video in the interpretative centre to explain it all, and a tree planted by Minister Dermot Ahern to attest to the importance of the project. An eye catching new double herbaceous border has been made below the castle terrace, with a classical urn at the end as a vista closer .

The view of a modern house built inside the walled garden strikes a jarring note beside the greenhouse and small Victorian garden. Walks lead off around the fish ponds to the teahouse and through the grounds.

Although it doesn’t have quite the same personality as a garden created by an individual gardener, this is an interesting place and makes a great outing for for a family visit.

Best time of year to visit: June, July, August

Groups & Tours

  • Groups Accepted
  • Groups Need Appointments
  • Accept Only Groups
  • Guided Tours

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Knockabbey Castle - Autumn
Knockabbey Castle - Autumn
Knockabbey Castle and Gardens - Herbacious Border
Knockabbey Castle - Tallanstown County Louth
Knockabbey Castle and Gardens - Autumn
Knockabbey Castle and Gardens - Tallanstown County Louth
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Take M1 to Ardee, 2nd Roundabout take Tallanstown exit for approx 5 miles passing Centra on right hand side, 2miles on to staggered junction take left, immediate T junction take left, we are on right hand side.

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