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Glebe Gardens and Cafe


Seaside garden with courtyard garden, wildflower meadow and organic kitchen produce

The Glebe
Co Cork
website Contact Glebe Gardens and Cafe
Tel: +353 28 20232

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Glebe Gardens and Cafe

Opening Months: March, April, May, June, July, August, September
Opening Days: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Opening Hours:
Admission Charge: €5
  • Appointment Only
  • Admission Charge

There is something very heartening about a productive garden, where all the plants are useful as well as decorative. Created by Jean and Peter Perry, this five acre seaside garden exists in happy synergy with their other enterprise, the Courtyard Café.

Crops - including unusual varieties like Blauhilde French Beans and Golden Bush courgettes - are grown in their organic potager where the Perrys practice interesting techniques like companion planting to keep pests at bay, then find their way to the table as delicious soups, salads and puddings.

Vegetables are grown in raised beds and mulched to keep moisture in and weeds out, and apple trees are trained as espaliers.

The herb garden, where medicinal and dye plants are grown in beds edged with silver santolina, also serves the café. Other areas of the garden earn their keep too, the cutting garden looks good and is full of excellent flowering plants for the vase like, dahlias, lupins and love in the mist.

Scents from the gravelled courtyard garden - roses, lilies and lemon verbena - billow into the house, and a raised lily pond and an olive tree provide the main focal interest. Further afield, the Harold Barry walk leads through woodland to an amphitheatre overlooking Church Strand Bay.


Best time of year to visit: May, June, July, August, September

Gardens Strengths

We have a very mixed garden, ranging from a productive veg potager to courtyard gardens etc

Rare Plants worth mentioning

Lots of unusual annuals used for cutting, wide range of herbs, and hydrangea collection

Groups & Tours

  • Groups Accepted
  • Groups Need Appointments
  • Accept Only Groups
  • Guided Tours

Tour Days:

Tour Times

By appointment



West Cork Garden Trail (held second two weeks of June)




We hold music and theatre events during the summer months in our ampitheatre (see website)

Other Facilities

herb garden, cut flower borders and wild flower meadow


We have paintings for sale in our cafe

Glebe Gardens - Cork
Glebe Gardens - Cork
Glebe Gardens - Cork
Glebe Gardens - Cork
Glebe gardens - Cork
Glebe Gardens - Cork
Glebe Gardens - Cork
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Off Skibbereen-Baltimore road: entrance directly opposite 'Baltimore' sign as you enter the village.

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