2012 Award Winners BUSINESS HOTEL OF THE YEAR 2012

The BrookLodge & Wells Spa, Macreddin, Co Wicklow

Business Hotel of the Year 2012 - Brooklodge Hotel & Wells Spa, Macreddin County Wicklow IrelandFood tourism and agriculture may be the hot white hopes for recessionary Ireland, but many of our best establishments are identifying other equally attractive niche markets and, along with several other categories in these awards, business tourism is a key one.

Former winners of this award have been hotels offering outstanding facilities for conferences and business guests, along with varying attributes that make the venue especially attractive, including a scenic or especially convenient location, great food and ancillary leisure activities for delegates.

But this year’s winner not only has all of those – a beautiful rural location, excellent business and conference amenities and back up services, loads of down time activities (challenging or relaxing, as required), and a stunning food offering – they also have an extra ace up their sleeves, in the form of a Green-Meet programme.

BrookLodge Hotel is renowned for its innovative and ethically-inspired approach to food and hospitality, and they have rightly identified that ‘hosting an environmentally responsible meeting is an important statement about your company’.

To the hosts this all comes naturally – they have been doing it for years, and full details are given on their website; to most customers it will come as a refreshing new idea, a rewarding way of giving added value to their event, or any business stay.

A great contributor to the business and conference market in Ireland, this an especially worthy winner of the Business Hotel of the Year Award.

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48 votes

BrookLodge & Macreddin Village

Macreddin Village, Co. Wicklow
Farmers/Country Market / Hotel / Pub / Restaurant / Speciality Store
4 euro For Cooking & Service Well Above Average Denotes genuine Irish food culture, ie special Irish food products/companies/producers, and highlights the best places to shop for regional and artisan foods; the selection excludes obvious 'non-Irish' elements regardless of quality, eg ethnic restaurants and specialists in coffee, wine and other drinks, unless relevant to local production or history. Eat & Stay establishments are chosen for their commitment to showcasing local produce and Irish hospitality. Highly Recommended as a Special Place to Stay Outstanding Location, building or atmosphere Previous Georgina Campbell Guides Award Winner The "Best of the Best" - Only the very best establishments across various categories have been chosen for this accolade
  Built on the site of a deserted village in a Wicklow valley, this extraordinary food, drink and leisure complex exists thanks to the vision of three brothers, Evan, Eoin and Bernard Doyle. Below we outline the various strands that make up this ...

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