Aldridge Lodge

This award welcomes a young couple who have made a very significant investment in their purpose-built restaurant with rooms, and show a commendable commitment to offering great food, lovely accommodation and caring service at very customer friendly prices. Billy Whitty has been a well known chef in the south-east for some years, and has built up a loyal following - it was perhaps, only a matter of time before he opened the doors of his own restaurant. And now we are very pleased to be able to say welcome to this new quality-led Co Wexford destination, a modern stone-fronted restaurant with rooms overlooking the picturesque fishing village of Duncannon. It enjoys lovely views of the beach and mountains - and has quickly earned a reputation for excellence in fine modern Irish cooking: first class ingredients are cooked with skill - baked lobster (which is offered at a very moderate supplement on the dinner menu) is a treat of a main course and, after a relaxing night’s sleep, resident guests can look forward to an excellent breakfast with treats like fresh Dover sole on the bone (if you are lucky!) as well as an excellent ‘full Irish’. This could be a hard place to leave.