Harmony Hill Country House

Harmony Hill


Benvarden - Garden Ballymoney County Antrim Northern Ireland Two of the more colourful associations with Benvarden concern a previous owner known as ‘Half Hanged McNaughton’ and the lions roaring from the far side of the River Bush.

None of this disturbs the serenity of the two acre walled garden there. While the walls are thought to be 300 years old, the garden within them has been beautifully reinterpreted over the last 40 years by Hugh and Valerie Montgomery.

A series of separate areas add up to a memorable whole - who could resist a Blue Moon Garden, or the parterre with box-edged beds filled with lavender laid out around a silver pear? Or fail to walk around the walls covered with espalier fruit trees roses or the climbing hydrangea H petiolariswhere waves of Alchemilla mollisspill over beds bursting with Solomon’s seal, hostas, delphiniums, campanulas and primulas?

The particular star in this garden is the sunburst rose garden with hybrid tea roses planted in blocks of colour around an Italianate fountain. Exuberant old fashioned roses fountain over arches down the central gravelled walk and there is a model vegetable garden with a restored bothy.

Beyond the walled garden there is a walk via a pond backed by shrubs and on to the river which is spanned by a graceful iron bridge. As for the lions and McNaughton you will have to go to Benvarden to find out more.

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