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One of the country’s oldest hotels, this much-loved quayside establishment in the centre of Waterford has many historical connections - with Bianconi, for example, who established Ireland’s earliest transport system, and also Charles Stuart Parnell, who made ...
Firmly established as a leading Waterford restaurant that delivers quality and value, the warm bright colours of Bodega feel like a corner of the Mediterranean and it is always busy. Proprietor Cormac Cronin has a high regard for the quality of raw materials in the regi ...
Mark and Emma Hewlett’s peaceful and relaxing late Georgian country house is set in seven acres of Heritage Gardens, including formal walled gardens. The house is elegantly and comfortably furnished, with a drawing room overlooking the Italian Loggia, an honesty ...
Ann and Tom Crosbie’s large nineteenth century farmhouse is approached up a driveway off the main road to Arthurstown, and has magnificent views across the estuary. It is a spacious house and makes a very comfortable and hospitable place to stay at a reasonable pr ...
A household name throughout Ireland for his accessible home-cook recipes, celebrity chef Kevin Dundon is back in the kitchen at the elegant Georgian country house hotel that he runs with his wife Catherine, reminding lucky diners of the creative flair and steadfast commi ...
The smartly branded 'Paul Hynes La Cote Seafood Restaurant’ on the corner of Custom House Quay will catch the eye of hungry by-passers, but it is already a destination of choice for a loyal band of local customers and returning visitors to the town. It's easy to ...
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